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Running Ubuntu 24.04 LTS on Docker

Ubuntu 24.04 LTS represents the cutting edge of open-source operating systems for both development and production environments. Docker, on the other hand, simplifies the deployment of applications inside software containers, making it an essential tool for modern developers. Combining Docker with Ubuntu 24.04 LTS can significantly streamline your development workflow. This tutorial aims to guide you through the process of setting up and running an Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Docker container on your machine.

In this tutorial you will learn:

  • How to install Docker on your system
  • How to pull the Ubuntu 24.04 LTS image from Docker Hub
  • How to run a container using the Ubuntu 24.04 LTS image
  • How to verify the Ubuntu version inside the container
Running Ubuntu 24.04 LTS on Docker
Running Ubuntu 24.04 LTS on Docker

Getting Started

Before diving into the Docker commands, ensure your system is prepared for the installation. This involves updating your package indexes, installing Docker (if it’s not already installed), and configuring Docker to run at startup. Additionally, adding your user to the Docker group avoids the need for sudo with Docker commands.

  1. Update Package Indexes: Refresh your system’s package list to ensure you can access the latest versions of software.sudo apt updateThis command updates the list of packages and their versions on your Ubuntu system but does not install or upgrade any packages.
  2. Install Docker: If Docker is not already installed on your system, install it with the following command.sudo apt install docker.ioThis installs Docker, enabling you to create and manage Docker containers.
  3. Enable and Start Docker: Ensure the Docker service is enabled to start at boot and then start the service immediately.sudo systemctl enable –now docker
    Enabling and starting Docker ensures that the Docker daemon is running and ready to manage containers.
  4. Add Current User to Docker Group: Avoid the need for sudo by adding your user to the Docker group.sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER}Log out and log back in for this change to take effect, which grants your user the necessary permissions to run Docker commands without sudo.
  5. Pull Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Image: Download the official Ubuntu 24.04 LTS image from Docker Hub.docker pull ubuntu:24.04This command fetches the Ubuntu 24.04 LTS image, making it available for use on your system.Pull Ubuntu 24.04 LTS docker ImagePull Ubuntu 24.04 LTS docker Image
  6. Verify Image Pull: Check that the Ubuntu image has been pulled correctly.docker imagesLists the available Docker imagesLists the available Docker imagesThe output lists the available Docker images, including Ubuntu 24.04 LTS, confirming the successful pull.
  7. Run Container: Create and run a container instance from the Ubuntu 24.04 LTS image.docker run -it ubuntu:24.04This command starts an interactive container, providing access to a bash shell inside the Ubuntu environment.Run Ubuntu 24.04 Docker ContainerRun Ubuntu 24.04 Docker Container
  8. Confirm Ubuntu Version: Verify the version of Ubuntu running in the /etc/issueThis displays the Ubuntu version, confirming that the container is running Ubuntu 24.04 LTS.Confirm Ubuntu VersionConfirm Ubuntu Version


By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you’ve learned how to set up Docker, pull the Ubuntu 24.04 LTS image, and run a container based on that image. This setup provides a lightweight, isolated environment for development, testing, and deployment purposes, leveraging the strengths of both Ubuntu and Docker.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I run GUI applications in a Docker container?Yes, it is possible to run GUI applications by configuring X11 forwarding or using tools like x11docker.2. How do I persist data in a Docker container?To persist data, use Docker volumes or bind mounts to store data outside of the container’s writable layer.3. Is it possible to run multiple services in one Docker container?While possible, it’s best practice to run one service per container for isolation and scalability. Use Docker Compose for multi-service applications.4. How do I update an Ubuntu Docker container?To update, pull the latest image from Docker Hub and recreate your container. Ensure data persistence through volumes.5. Can Docker containers communicate with each other?Yes, containers can communicate via Docker networks, enabling direct interaction or through shared volumes.6. How do I monitor Docker containers?Use Docker’s built-in commands like `docker stats` or third-party tools like Portainer or Prometheus for comprehensive monitoring.7. How do I secure my Docker containers?Secure containers by keeping images updated, using Docker security features (like user namespaces), and applying the principle of least privilege.8. Can I automate Docker container deployment?Yes, use CI/CD pipelines with tools like Jenkins, GitLab CI, or GitHub Actions to automate the building, testing, and deployment of containers.

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