How to Install Lighttpd on Ubuntu Linux

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on installing Lighttpd on Ubuntu Linux. Lighttpd is a lightweight web server designed for high-performance environments, delivering speed, flexibility, and security. Its low memory footprint and small CPU load make it ideal for servers with high traffic volumes, yet it remains simple and efficient for personal projects. By following this tutorial, you will learn how to set up Lighttpd on your Ubuntu system and understand some basic configurations to get your web server running smoothly.

In this tutorial you will learn:

  • How to update your package index
  • Steps to install Lighttpd
  • How to check the status of Lighttpd
  • Optional configurations for your web server
  • Restarting Lighttpd after configuration changes
  • Testing your Lighttpd installation
How to Install Lighttpd on Ubuntu Linux
How to Install Lighttpd on Ubuntu Linux
CategoryRequirements, Conventions or Software Version Used
SystemUbuntu Linux
OtherInternet connection, access to a terminal
Conventions# – requires given linux commands to be executed with root privileges either directly as a root user or by use of sudo command
$ – requires given linux commands to be executed as a regular non-privileged user

Installation Steps

Before proceeding, ensure you have a working Ubuntu system and you’re logged in as a user with sudo privileges.

  1. Update Package Index: Start by updating your package index to ensure you get the latest version of Lighttpd and its dependencies.$ sudo apt updateThis command refreshes your local package index with the latest updates from the Ubuntu repositories.
  2. Install Lighttpd: With your package index updated, install Lighttpd.$ sudo apt install lighttpdThis will download and install Lighttpd along with any required dependencies on your Ubuntu system.Install LighttpdInstall Lighttpd
  3. Check the Status of Lighttpd: After installing, check that the Lighttpd service is enabled and running.$ sudo systemctl status lighttpdThis command displays the current status of the Lighttpd service. You should see it active and running.Check the Status of LighttpdCheck the Status of Lighttpd
  4. Optional: Configure Your Web Server: Lighttpd works out of the box with a default configuration suitable for most projects. However, you might want to customize your setup:
    Configuration files are located in /etc/lighttpd. Main configuration file is located at /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf. For enabling modules and additional settings, refer to the /etc/lighttpd/conf-available/README file.
    Common configurations include setting the DocumentRoot, enabling CGI scripts, adjusting log file settings, and enabling user directories. For example, to enable the CGI module:$ sudo lighty-enable-mod cgiTo enable additional modules and to see what modules are available execute:$ sudo lighty-enable-mod
    Enable additional Lighttpd modulesEnable additional Lighttpd modulesAnd restart Lighttpd to apply the changes:$ sudo systemctl restart lighttpd
  5. Test Your Webserver: Finally, test your Lighttpd installation by navigating to the hostname or IP address of your web server in a web browser.
    This step verifies that Lighttpd is correctly installed and running on your Ubuntu system.Test Your WebserverTest Your Webserver


By completing the steps outlined in this tutorial, you have successfully installed Lighttpd on your Ubuntu Linux system and learned the basics of configuring your new web server. Lighttpd offers a robust platform for hosting your web content, whether you’re running a high-traffic commercial site or a personal blog. For further customization and optimization, refer to the