SSH Password Testing With Hydra on Kali Linux

password attack hydra kali linux


Hail Hydra! Okay, so we’re not talking about the Marvel villains here, but we are talking about a tool that can definitely do some damage. Hydra is a popular tool for launching brute force attacks on login credentials.

Hydra has options for attacking logins on a variety of different protocols, but in this instance, you will learn about testing the strength of your SSH passwords. SSH is present on any Linux or Unix server and is usually the primary way admins use to access and manage their systems. Sure, cPanel is a thing, but SSH is still there even when cPanel is being used.

This guide makes use of wordlists to provide Hydra with passwords to test. If you aren’t familiar with wordlists yet, go check out our Crunch guide.

Warning: Hydra is a tool for attacking. Only use it on your own systems and networks unless you have the written permission of the owner. Otherwise, it is illegal.

Basic Syntax

Hydra is installed by default on Kali. There are both command line and graphical versions of Hydra, but this guide will use the command line.

Since, this guide is using the command line, you have to familiarize yourself with Hydra’s syntax. Hydra has very specific syntax, so be sure to follow closely.

To start off, pick a machine on your network to test. It’s probably best to use a virtual machine or something like a Raspberry Pi. This way, you aren’t disrupting anything going on on your network. Find that machine’s IP address, so you can point Hydra in its direction.

Once you have your target machine’s IP, open up a terminal in Kali. The following linux command is very basic, and it will test the root user’s SSH password.

# hydra -l root -p admin -t 4 ssh

Okay, so the -l flag takes a single user parameter. The -p flag takes a single password. The IP is obviously the IP of the target machine. The -t specifies the number of threads used. Hydra suggests 4 for SSH. The last part just tells Hydra that it will be attacking SSH.

Using Word Lists

While this is good, it’s not really practical to manually test every possible password. That’s why Hydra takes wordlists. You can specify a wordlist instead of a single password by using -P instead of -p. A good wordlist already exists at /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt.gz. Just decompress it, and it’s ready for Hydra to use.

# hydra -l root -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt -t 4 ssh

This will take a long time. There are literally millions of words in that list. If you want a quick one to test, spin up a short one with Crunch.

# crunch 4 4 012345abcdef -o Documents/pass.txt
# hydra -l root -P Documents/pass.txt -t 4 ssh

That should be fast enough for you to see it run through and complete.

Hydra also accepts wordlists for users and targets. They can be specified with the -L flag for users, and the -M flag for IPs.

# hydra -L /usr/share/wordlists.rockyou.txt -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt -M Documents/ip.txt -t 4 ssh

More Flags

Like any good command line tool, Hydra has loads of flags to customize the way it runs. These flags range from more cosmetic in nature to actually altering the way it runs. Of course, since this guide focuses only on SSH, so do the explanations of these flags.


Not every SSH server is running on port 22. Clever admins change them all of the time. If it’s your server, you will know the port that you need to specify. If you’ve been hired to test someone else’s server, you can use Nmap to discover which port SSH is running on.

To specify which port Hydra should attack, use the -s flag followed by the port number.

# hydra -s 22 -l root -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt -t 4 ssh


The -V just controls the verbosity of Hydra. If you would like to see each test that Hydra runs, use -V. If you would just like some more output but not everything, use -v.

# hydra -l root -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt -t 4 -V ssh

-e nsr

The -e flag gives you more options to test with. Sometimes users have passwords that are so amazingly bad that you have to account for them outside the normal scope of your wordlist. The letters nsr after the -e flag correspond to more ways to test. n stands for “null,” meaning that Hydra will test for a user not having a password. s stands for “same.” Hydra will test the same password as the username, when using sr stands for “reverse.” If a user thought that they were clever and reversed their bad password, Hydra will catch that too.

# hydra -l root -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt -t 4 -e nsr ssh

Closing Thoughts

Hydra is an amazing tool for testing the strength of your SSH security. It is capable of running through massive lists of usernames, passwords, and targets to test if you or a user is using a potentially vulnerable password. It can also be tuned using its many flags to account for a number of additional situations and provide you with detailed output.

For any security tester, ensuring SSH passwords are secure should be a top priority.